BPISS Ch Galenabay Born to Run “Kolt”

BISS,BPIS,MBPIS, AM. CAN.GCH Westpointe’s Sound Effects, “KADE”

X GCh Galenabay’s Kootenay Crush, “SAGE”

Kolt pictured at 16 months.

BISS,BPIS,MBPIS,AM.CAN.GCH Westpointe’s Sound Effects, “KADE”BISS AM CAN Ch Barwood Sound SensationBISS Am GCH Solange Surround Sound ROM/ROMCAm Ch Whitoak’s Dealer’s Choice II
Am GCH Solange Body Language ROM
Am Ch Barwoods ImaginationAm Can Ch Seahaven Squeeze Play
Am Ch Barwoods Imagine That
MBPISS,Ch Westpointe’s Guilty PleasureAm Can Ch Avonlea Just One LookBISS Am Can Ch Riverdance Dressed to Kilt
Westpointe Living On The Edge
Am Can Gch Coastwynn Westpointe AdvantageBISS Am Can Ch Riverdance Dressed To Kilt
Can Ch Coastwynn Celeborn
GCh Galenabay’s Kootenay Crush
Ch Chelson Ashwyn Hollywood NorthAm Can Ch Braeleen Let Freedom Ring ROMAmCan Ch Hill View’s Patriot Games ROM
Mindalyn This Time Next Year ROM
Ch Chelson Drama QueenAmCan Ch Sunebank Caerleon Just Right
Highledge Keepin Tradition
BPIG Ch Bonnyville’s Galenabay AshleyCh Highledge Irish Cream ROMCCh Willow Cove’s Its Just a Rumor ROMC
Highledge Talkin Tradition
Bonnyville’s Amazing GraceCh Cove Wind Hot Pursuit
Ch Bonnyville’s Legendary Lucy